Maple Grove Mennonite Church seeks...
To be faithful to the Bible, God's Word.
To apply God's Word to our lives for personal growth and ministry outreach.
To be a loving and caring community of faith.
To provide training for Christian life and service.
To share the good news of Jesus Christ within our community and throughout the world.
Maple Grove Mennonite Church is Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many ways...
Children's Ministries
Age appropriate Sunday School classes.
Annual Vacation Bible School. All ages work together to provide this special week of learning and spiritual growth children ages 4 through 6th grade.
Monthly junior church activities for grades 6 - 8.
For parents with infants less than 1 year old, a nursery with baby monitors is available for use at the rear of the sanctuary in Room 106.
For children ages 1-3, childcare is provided in Room 102 off the lobby, .
Rooms 106 and 102 have TVs where the service is live-streamed.
Youth Ministries
Youth Sunday School classes
Weekly youth meetings and special activities for grades 9 to 12
Retreats and Conferences
Bible Quizzing Teams
Jr. Youth (grades 6 - 8) meet monthly.
Young Adult
Young Adults meet Wednesday evenings @ 7:30pm for a time of study and friendship.
A variety of Sunday School classes to meet your needs.
Prayer, Bible Study and Fellowship Groups
Weekly Life Groups
Family Ministries
Regular family activities for family enrichment and spiritual growth.
Men's Weekly Prayer
Varied Women & Girls' Activities throughout the year.
Special Ministry
Sewing Circle meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00am for fellowship, sewing and quilting for missions and causes. They prepare school kits, health kits and supplies for victims of disaster and war.
Men's & Women's softball teams (seasonal)
The church library has a wide selection of books and videos for spiritual enrichment of all ages.
Support of international ministries and missions.
Annual short term mission trips.
Bible study opportunities.
Classes for ages 2 to 5
Emphasis on academic and spiritual development